Stephens’ planned giving set to change hospice care options across the region

Photo of Chuck and Diane Stephens

In November of last year, we received the most significant donation to Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) Foundation in our organization’s history. Chuck and Diane Stephens, Braselton locals, pledged a $4 million* estate gift to support the construction of the system’s first free-standing hospice house, inspired by the uplifting experiences they had with a New Hampshire hospice program when first her mother, then her father, needed care. 

“It was very fortunate we were able to ensure my parents received the dedicated care they required, all because of the amazing work hospice does. My mother received her care at home, while my father was a resident of the hospice house in New Hampshire for some time. Ever since then, Chuck and I have been supporters of the program and, more recently, the program offered by Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) Gainesville,” said Diane.

The community, along with NGHS, has recognized the need for a free-standing hospice house for more than a decade. NGMC has a seven-bed inpatient unit inside the hospital for hospice patients to receive comprehensive and dedicated care. The proposed free-standing hospice house will allow NGHS to serve more patients in a home-like environment to enhance comfort and quality of care. This opportunity has been made possible because of the philanthropic interest of the Stephens’ planned gift. 

“Chuck and Diane’s amazing gift ensures our region will be able to receive a new level of personalized end-of-life care. We are so thankful,” said Carol Burrell, NGHS president & CEO. “This extraordinary generosity helps Hospice of NGMC reimagine how they can deliver care to patients, their families, and our community.” 

“What an incredible legacy the Stephens and other donors are leaving this community. Many generations to come will benefit from this generosity,” said Chris Bray, president and chief development officer for NGHS Foundation. “We could not be more grateful.”

If you would like to learn how you can leave a legacy at NGHS through a planned gift, contact Brian Bailey at 770-219-8099 or

*$5 million in total; includes an additional $1 million gift


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